Making an Impact
Making an Impact

stewardship 2025
Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Greetings fellow Trinity parishioners and friends,
Since 1884 when Bishop Paddock laid the cornerstone on Elm Street for Trinity Church, faithful people, like you, have gathered here to worship, pray, and grow in faith. Trinity’s worship services,
formation programs, community outreach, and fellowship have flourished for 140 years in part due to the generous support of members and friends.
Over the past ten years, Trinity’s pledging members has declined from 250 to our current 138 pledging individuals and families. While we have been blessed with many people stepping up with increased pledges and special gifts, the decline in pledging membership is serious. Pledge income from Trinity members in 2024 represents 73% of our budget, so you can see the importance of participating as a pledging member to the overall life of our church.
Together, we have an opportunity to meet this challenge. Please consider making a pledge – perhaps for the first time or by renewing your previous pledge commitment. Your pledge is your visible
celebration of shared joy in our Trinity community; your gift of thanksgiving to God for all the blessings you receive from God. With it, you will be helping to ensure that Trinity church remains
strong for future generations. You are not just supporting the church financially; you are investing with all of us in Trinity’s future and celebrating what our spiritual community means to you.
Imagine the joy of knowing that your participation makes a real difference. By making a financial pledge, you are helping to create a brighter future for Trinity Church. You are ensuring that we can
continue to be a place of love, support, and community.
We invite you to join us in making this commitment to Trinity Church. Together, we can strengthen our fellowship, deepen our faith, and continue to serve God’s purpose in our community.
You may return your pledge card via mail, the collection plate, or by pledging online by pressing the button below.
Thank you for being such an important part of our Trinity Church family.
With heartfelt thanks,
Larry and Deborah Scarff, Stewardship co-chairs
David Weiss, Senior Warden & Rev. Nancy J. Hagner, Rector