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stewardship 2024

For everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven.  Ecclesiastes 3:1


Greetings, grace, and peace to you!


We write with hearts full of gratitude for all the ways in which Trinity is celebrating this season. Led by our energized vestry and clergy, our parish offerings are rich in fellowship, service and worship opportunities for all ages.  All In Sunday is filled with children, and it is a joy to be back together to engage in familiar and new ways of being together as the Body of Christ!


As we enter this season of stewardship, it is with deep gratitude for the ways in which Trinity Church is rooted in abundance and possibility. Our beautiful tradition of worship through Word, music, and Eucharist grounds and connects us to all who have come before and all who will come after us.  Our fellowship and care for one another feeds our souls and inspires us to be Christ's eyes, ears and hands in the world.


As you reflect on your gratitude for the abundance that sustains you, we invite you to join your fellow parishioners as we commit to giving back to Trinity a portion of what God has generously entrusted to us.  Despite the trend line of declining membership which affects Trinity and the mainline Protestant tradition as a whole, it is remarkable that Trinity parishioners have deepend their commitment to fund the work of the church each year.


Our goals this year are twofold:  Our pledge income goal is $700K.  Of equal importance, we strive to build a stronger and more sustainable pledge base, with folks in "the middle" doing more as they are able, to strengthen our core.  Did you know we rely on the largest 15 pledges for 50% of our pledge income?  Can your family be part of Trinity's strong core by committing to our "Sustaining Pledge" of $4,100 or more? (A "Sustaining Pledge" is the $700K target divided equally across 170 pledges.)


You may return  your pledge card via mail, the collection plate, or by pledging online by pressing the button below.


Thank you for your prayerful consideration and for your commitment to Trinity!


Carolyn Coffin & Craig della Penna

Stewardship Co-Chairs


David Weiss

Senior Warden


Rev. Nancy J. Hagner


Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trinity Episcopal Church nursery
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