Dear friends,
Please join me in welcoming Robert Christian to Trinity. Robert is a postulant for ordination to the diaconate in the Diocese of Massachusetts, sponsored by the Church of the Good Shepherd, Reading. He is beginning the second year of the three-year deacon formation program. His internship here at Trinity is part of this program. Robert will be with us on Sundays, serving at the altar, preaching occasionally, and helping us to focus on the needs of the world in his role as intern. He will also work with Trinity's Outreach Team to learn about our many ministry partnerships.
During the week, Robert works as an attorney in Melrose, with a practice centered on court-appointed representation of indigent defendants in
criminal and mental health cases, and also serves as a professional guardian for persons living with mental illness and developmental disabilities.
Robert will begin this Sunday, will attend the Ministry Expo at both 9 am and 11 am and will participate in the Build-a-Bed Outreach Event on Saturday, Sept. 30 (see below to sign up you and your family!), so you have many opportunities to greet him! Please give Robert a warm Trinity welcome as he enters the community to share in our life of service to others. He will also be reachable starting next week at christian@trinityconcord.org.
All peace,
Chapel Chats: Chapel Chats are back! Your clergy love to hear from you and welcome the opportunity to talk on the Chapel Porch, inside, or come to you for a visit. Please reach out to Rev. Nancy or Fr. CJ to set up a conversation.