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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, 

One of the joys and privileges of being a priest is the call to perform blessings.  Every Sunday at the Eucharist, there are people who come forward, arms crossed over their chests, seeking words from the priest that convey God’s blessing.  I usually offer words that come from the book of Numbers; words spoken by Aaron to the people Israel.  “ The Lord bless you and keep you, the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up the light of his countenance upon you and give you peace.”  I add “give you peace in your heart, this day and always.”  Young or old, we all long for peace in our hearts, for a sense of God’s protection, God’s face beholding ours with love and care.  In those moments of blessing, when I say the ancient words, there is a sense of God’s eternal presence.  

This past Sunday, while standing outside the church in Longport, NJ by the bay, a young mom with two girls came up to me.   “What’s happening over here?” she asked.  I had just done a blessing for a family who had a new boat.  Boats are traditionally blessed by a priest before they set sail, and it was a delight and a privilege to be asked to do this.   Standing up on the seawall,  I prayed for God’s blessing and protection to be upon the boat and upon all who sail on her.  The young mom then said, “I would like a blessing, too.” So I prayed over her and her daughters, and watched her lay her hand over her daughters’ hearts at the end of the prayer.  We stood there for a few moments, smiling at one another, grateful for the connection and the peace and grace of the moment.  

This Sunday, Fr. CJ and Rev. Julia will offer “blessing of the backpacks” to all of you who are beginning a new school year.  We pray for God’s protection and presence for all our students and teachers, for all who learn and teach and encourage each other in growing and learning.   After the service,  they will also bless the renovated Nursery space, asking God for protection and blessing for the youngest of us who come to Trinity, joining in our life together with their giggles and smiles and baby hope.  

Next Sunday we will celebrate together with “Homecoming Sunday” worship at 8 and 10 a.m. followed by a picnic.  Please come and bring your family and friends as we regather in prayer and joyous singing!  

Blessings abound in this new season.  May God be with you and all those you love as we journey forth together in lives of faith and hope in our beloved community of Trinity.  

May you know God’s peace in your heart now and always, 


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