October 16, 2021

Dear friends,
On Wednesday this past week we gathered again on Zoom for Noonday Prayer. I found myself moved to tears as I saw your familiar faces on the screen, and began to say the usual words: " O God, make speed to save us. O Lord, make haste to help us." We then joined together in three psalms, said the Lord's Prayer, and prayed by name for those on our parish prayer list. It took about 12 minutes, a few minutes of fellowship, and then back to the call of our day. For me, I was re-centered, grounded in love and care; reminded that we are a community of prayer. Noonday prayer on Wednesdays is a pause mid-week to connect with one another and with God. I encourage you to try it, to see if this small gathering provides an anchor for you the way it does for many of us. I hope to see you soon–in person, and on-line.