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All In

Dear friends,

The doors are open and Trinity Church is busy with many opportunities for worship, fellowship, outreach, forums, engagement, and youth events! Come to church on Sept. 3 for ALL IN Sunday to get your very own copy of the "ALL IN with Trinity Special Events Fall/Winter 2023 booklet." It will be a "best seller" and you don't want to miss out. Hold in your hands the list (color coded with our new copier!!) of events and opportunities for you and your family to engage. Those who receive the Window newsletter by snail mail will also receive a copy, but we encourage you to come to church in person at 8 a.m or 10 a.m. on Sept. 3, 10, 17...or any Sunday to pick up your very own copy. There are so many ways to connect. You don't want to miss this one!!

Your sister in Christ,


PS: if you are wondering about the "stones background" please listen to my sermon on August 27 . God calls us as "living stones" to be the faithful church!

Photo: Open Doors, Beth Confrancisco

Chapel Chats: Rev. Nancy will be away until September 14 serving as a chaplain in Longport NJ, as she does every summer. Chapel Chats will resume mid-September. For pastoral emergencies, please call or email the church office and Beth will relay any urgent messages.

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