"Come unto me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Dear friends,
Those words from Jesus are for each of us every day. Whether your waning summer days are filled with joy or grief, busyness getting ready for school to start, or simply the tasks of daily living, Jesus promises that He is present always, offering comfort, love, rest for a weary heart, a weary world. May you look for those places of comfort and rest, trusting in God's promise.
If you are suffering today, come to the One who knows you better than you know yourself, and who cares for you in ways you can scarcely imagine. Let God take your hand today. Let God console and comfort you in your distress.
Br. David Vryhof, SSJE
I wish you rest today. I wish you a deep knowing that exhaustion is not a normal way of living. You are enough. You can rest. You must resist anything that doesn't center your divinity as a human being. You are worthy of care.
Tricia Hersey from "Rest is Resistance: A Manifesto"
Your sister in Christ,
Chapel Chats: Rev. Nancy will be away August 29-September 14 serving as a chaplain in Longport NJ, as she does every summer. Chapel Chats will resume mid-September. For pastoral emergencies, please call or email the church office and Beth will relay any urgent messages.