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Writer's pictureThe Rev. Nancy J. Hagner

Prayer and Care in Community

God of Wisdom, your love is ageless, and you remain faithful through every breath of our lives. All creation has been formed for the fullness of your eternal joy. Give us grace to shine with that goodness and hope which is your blessing, and through your Spirit to continue in Christ, in whom we gather and pray, this day and always. Amen. (Changes: Prayers, Church Publishing 2007)

Dear friends,

I love this prayer because it is a reminder that God is faithful “through every breath of our lives.” Whether you are a tiny baby or a learned elder, or somewhere in between, you are invited to “shine with goodness and hope” which God pours out on us. We are blessed to gather in a specific place-and Trinity is a community that cares deeply for one another and for the suffering in the world. When we come together on Sundays to worship, we are strengthened by our prayers, our fellowship, the Communion bread, to go out into the world to be a healing presence, as Christ taught us. These experiences of being together, either in person or through the miracle of technology, are really important for our faith lives. When we feel connected to God and to one another, we are able to pray and act and live in the power of LOVE for another day, another week.

Many of you over the past months have expressed a desire to strengthen your connections beyond what we do on Sundays. What a wonderful and blessed desire! In spite of the challenges of the past two years, Trinity has many ways to connect---our life together as a busy and vibrant church offers regular opportunities for each of you to participate. While these may not be labelled specifically “Prayer” or “Fellowship” or “Care”, EVERYTHING we do together embodies those three things! So please explore on your own by going to our website:, trying some of the activities listed here, and/or by reaching out to me or Rev. Christopher to talk about what might feed your desire for prayer, fellowship, care right now!

A few ideas:

The Window newsletter: Spiritual reflections, news about Trinity’s outreach activities; upcoming events, invitations and links to join worship and formation activities, and more! Your staff creates this offering each week so you have the most up to date news and ways to connect with Trinity, each other, and the needs of the world. Please read it from top to bottom every week, so you are “in the loop.”

The Parish Prayer List is YOUR list: Please consider taking the service leaflet home or printing it out and praying for those on the prayer list every day. You can read the names aloud, or simply place your hand over the list and ask God for healing and comfort for all those in pain or distress. Imagine the power of our prayers if everyone at Trinity paused daily to lift up our community before God in this way. Simple practice of community and connection, and available to everyone.

Noonday Prayer every Wednesday at NOON: This brief, intimate service comes from the Book of Common Prayer and is a way to connect with God and with fellow parishioners mid-week. It is on Zoom, so you can join from home or work or wherever you are. We pray aloud the names from our Parish Prayer List, and you are invited to offer names and prayers of gratitude or petition as well. After the 10 minute spoken service, there is a brief conversation about the Sunday readings coming up, as many folks requested this mini-Bible Study. Your clergy and other staff are there, so it is a way for you to get to know us, and each other in a low key, intimate, and welcoming setting. The zoom link appears each week in the Window in the Worship section: Noonday Prayer link, along with the link to see the upcoming Sunday readings.

Healing Prayer Team every Thursday at 7 pm-8.30 pm on zoom. Prayer, fellowship, study all in one weekly session. This group holds the cares and concerns for our community in confidence, praying for healing for individuals, our community, and the world. Reach out to for the link to join.

Trinity Town Halls: once a month we are gathering on zoom to see one another and discuss aspects of our life together as Trinity Church. Jan. was about the budget and stewardship; Feb. 6 at 10.30 am will be our Annual Meeting to elect new leadership; March 1 at 7 pm will be about Caring and Connecting in Community. We welcome your ideas for future topics!

Special services:

We held a Blue Advent service in December bringing our hearts to God, in community. This week, we offer a service of Healing and hope on Feb. 2 @ 7pm on the day of Candlemas, 40 days after Christmas.

Candlemas Service of Healing, Feb. 2 at 7 pm on zoom. This service is one response to your calls for healing and hope in community. Bring a candle, zoom in to pray together, and healing prayers will be offered in private zoom rooms at the end.

1st Sunday of the Month 5 pm Chapel Prayers with Eucharist-This new service replaces the outdoor Evening Prayer service. Intimate, candlelit, an opportunity to be in our beautiful chapel together. Feb. 6, March 6, April 3. For all ages, come and worship together!

There are also opportunities to join the Usher Team, Altar Guild, Handcrafts Group, Women’s Friday Book Group, Technology Committee, Social Media Team, Lay Pastoral Care Committee, Newcomers and Welcome, Brainstorming for Fundraising, All Hands on Deck (AHOD) Afghan Initiative;(see a "do from home" ministry below); call or text The Peace to someone you miss on Sundays….and the list goes on.

Prayer, fellowship, care…Everything we do in the name of the ONE who created us for love. I pray for God to give each one of us grace to shine with that goodness and hope, and to be a blessing in our prayers and in our actions. I look forward to more conversations about how you want to connect!

In Christ,


image above: N. Hagner. The Visitation, when Mary when to see Elizabeth. It is a portrait of care and compassion and community.

Rev. Nancy 978-369-3715 ext. 12

Rev. Christopher 978-369-3715 ext. 14

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