Dear Friends,
As our Confirmands and several other adults discern about Baptism and Confirmation, they are looking closely at the promises made in the Baptismal Service. One of the questions has always given me pause: “Do you renounce the evil powers of this world which corrupt and destroy the creatures of God?” What are these evil powers? Do I know how to identify them? What if my idea of what is evil is different from your idea of what is evil? These are tough questions to address, and we often go quickly by them when we renew our baptismal promises.
This past week, however, I listened to a sermon that provided the very best explanation of these questions. I got permission from the preacher to share it with you. It is 20 minutes long, but absolutely worth the entire listening time. Fr. Paul shares a personal story at the end that will for ever inform my imagination about God and God’s presence. So here is this gift for you to listen to and to share with the young people in your life. Powerful words for Lent, for anytime. May your faith be renewed and strengthened.
In Christ,