October 2, 2021
Sisters and brothers in Christ,
This week's Gospel reading from Mark 10:2-16 about divorce is a difficult one, which has caused much hurt and pain in its interpretation in the Church for centuries. I will be preaching a Stewardship Sunday sermon tomorrow, but feel that it is important to provide resources for unpacking this troublesome text that I am not able to address in tomorrow's sermon, so see link below. I am also happy to meet with anyone individually who wishes to discuss the painful topic of divorce. As a divorced person myself, I understand the spiritual and emotional challenges as well as the practical ones, inherent in such a momentous decision. At the end of the day, in the Mark reading, Jesus suggests that divorce is allowed as a "last resort" for situations where reconciliation is not possible, and the Church, at least our Anglican tradition, honors that distinction. Please read this very engaging Bible Study and thoughtful piece from SALT Project, by Matthew Myer Boulton, President of Christian Theological Seminary. and reach out if you wish to talk more.
See you tomorrow when we will talk about relationships--giving and receiving--and about how we are all made of the same "stuff." Genesis 2:18-24 is also a fraught passage but a hopeful one, when we can understand God's intention for human flourishing in community and partnership. By God's grace it can be redemptive for all!