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Caring Continues

Writer's picture: The Rev. Nancy J. HagnerThe Rev. Nancy J. Hagner

Parish Care Prayer

O God, give each one of us the strength to look up and not down; to look forward and not back; to look out and not in; and to lend a hand. We ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Dear friends,

At a recent Parish Care Team meeting, folks suggested that I write a piece to let everyone know about the great work your Parish Care Team is doing! Happily, I had written a similar message in June, and simply am sharing it again as the wonderful caring in this community continues! Thank you to all who participate in welcome, care, and love to each other and our neighbors. This ministry is never done, but is a constant, living expression of God's love for each of us; offered through your hands and feet and prayers.

As people of faith, we are called to care for one another. Our care for other people, for ourselves, and for the earth are reflections of God’s care for us. When we care for each other and for our neighbors, we are reflecting God’s love for the created order, and for each one of us.

At Trinity Church this caring takes many forms. It was back in early 2021 when the Parish Care Team was launched under the leadership and guidance of Molly Stone and Jace Tilton. Many of you responded with enthusiasm as we sought to help folks reconnect with one another in church and outside our walls. The Parish Care ministry is for all of us. The chairs and your clergy meet weekly to pray and reach out to those who have asked for prayer and care. Cards, meals, calls, prayers, visits, conversations, seasonal lunches….all these ways of reaching out are happening each week when we know you want to connect in those ways. If you wish to help with this ministry by writing notes, making calls, preparing food, planning parish events, or visiting, please contact Molly or Jace and you will be added to the list. If you are in need of care, please reach out to me anytime. Rev. Nancy

This past spring marked the renewal of in-person Healing Prayer at the 10 a.m. service. Each week, trained Healing Prayer ministers will meet with you to pray together during the Communion time and once a quarter we have a Liturgy for Healing in the service. Please do bring your concerns for yourself, a loved one, or the world.

Care and connection happen in many other ways too. We sing and worship together every Sunday, as well as on Wednesday at noon. The Noonday Prayer service is an intimate, brief service offered via zoom where we lift up those on our parish prayer list as we connect with one another and the clergy. All are welcome. (see link below for Wednesday Noonday Prayer)

I have started knitting again with the Handcrafts Group on Thursdays when my schedule permits, and can attest to the care and fellowship this group offers.

Friday night book group, Altar Guild, Healing Prayer, Ushering, LEMs, singing in the Choir, helping out in the Nursery and Sunday School, preparing Coffee Hour treats, serving on the Welcome team….all of these ministries and more are ways we care for each other in community and for those seeking an experience of the Holy One. Please join in ways that help you connect with your Trinity Church as we look forward and not back. By God’s grace we will grow in love each day, and reflect the healing Love God has for us into this broken world. I would be happy to meet with anyone who wants to discern where their gifts and joys might fit!

Should you want a home visit, a LEM visit or a phone call from the Parish Care Team please reach out to either Jace Tilton or Molly Stone or call Beth in the office. 978-369-3715, ext. 10.

Love and prayers,


Photo: N. Hagner, St. Francis in the Garden

Chapel Chats: It is beautiful on the porch! Reach out to Rev. Nancy if you would like to meet for conversation and prayer. We can meet indoors when the weather is challenging!

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